Our new paper was published in ChemBioChem!
Our new paper entitled "Reversible photocontrol of microtubule stability by spiropyran-conjugated Tau-derived peptides" was published in ChemBioChem! In this paper, we have succeeded in reversibly controlling microtubule structures upon light irradiation by using spiropyran-conjugated Tau-derived peptides. This paper was nominated in ChemBioTalents 2022/23 issue!
Latest News
Publications2025.01.23Our new paper was published in JACS Au!
Conference2024.10.31Dr. Inaba received the Award for Young Investigator from the Japanese Peptide Society and presented the award lecture at the 61st Japanese Peptide Symposium.
Conference2024.10.11Dr. Inaba presented an invited lecture at the 45th symposium on drug Interactions with biological membranes.