Publications2023.07.06The award account for CSJ Award for Young Chemists was published in Chem. Lett.!
Publications2023.06.02Our new paper was published in PLoS ONE!
Publications2023.05.18"Supramolecular Nanotechnology: Advanced Design of Self-Assembled Functional Materials" (Wiley‐VCH) was published!
Publications2023.03.29Our new paper was published in ChemBioChem!
Honors and Awards2023.03.27Dr. Inaba got the best JOICO award in the 2022 NIKON JOICO AWARD program!
Honors and Awards2023.03.13Mr. Watari and Ms. Ogura got awards from the Chairperson of the Chugoku-Shikoku Branch, Chemical Society of Japan!
Honors and Awards2023.02.21Mr. Watari and Ms. Ogura got presentation awards at the master's and bachelor's thesis presentations!
Publications2023.02.07The article was published in the Newsletter of the Division of Biotechnology, The Chemical Society of Japan.
Publications2023.01.18The article was published in Modern Chemistry.
Publications2022.12.17The Award Account was published in the Newsletter of the Division of Biofunctional Chemistry, The Chemical Society of Japan.
Honors and Awards2022.12.05Ms. Sakaguchi and Ms. Ogura got poster awards at the 37th Young Researchers Meeting of SPSJ, Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter!
Conference2022.12.01Dr. Inaba presented an invited lecture at the 37th Young Researchers Meeting of SPSJ, Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter.